Marriage in lightness/Dalight
Shadows, Shadsions, Glows, and Glowsions hate wearing rings because a single ring produces 20 tons of waste. Most of this waste goes to the ocean. The ocean is supposed to be very beautiful, and useful for both animals and humans. If any environment is not clean. Diseases can be created and cause death to the unfortunate by germs going into a being's body, spreading over their tissues, producing, amakingake a person create a reaction.
In short, Shadows, Shadsions, Glows, and Glowsions hate rings because they can cause many negative factors in the world. Shadows, Shadsions, Glows, and Glowsions prefer to be asked to be married by more environment-friendly proposals like a date to a picnic, forest, or watching the stars at night because 20kg of plastic waste ends up on land and oceans due to a single wedding. A black trash bag that collects garbage can take 10-1,000 years to be disposed of. Just imagine how many black trash bag is needed take clean up one single wedding. It's probably better to spend alone time with a significant other.
Credits: "How Infections Spread | Infection Control | CDC"
"Zero Waste, Ethical Engagement Rings - Going Zero Waste"
"The Full Guide to a Sustainable Wedding | 77 Diamonds"
Awareness: Weddings, Rings, Diseases, and Soil pollution